Solid Snake (Soriddo Sunēku) is a fictional character from the Metal Gear series created by Hideo Kojima and developed and published by Konami. He is depicted as a former Green Beret and highly skilled special operations soldier engaged in solo stealth and espionage missions, who is often tasked with destroying models of the bipedal nuclear weapon-armed mecha known as Metal Gear. Controlled by the player, he must act alone, supported via radio by commanding officers and specialists. While his first appearances in the original Metal Gear games were references to Hollywood films, the Metal Gear Solid series has given a consistent design by artist Yoji Shinkawa alongside an established personality while also exploring his relationship with his father and mentor Big Boss. (Wikipedia)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 Ep. 1004, Future War, (1997) Review
What is it Good for? Future War: 1 out of 10: Future War brings with it many questions, starting with whom are those people on […]