The Evil That Men Do (1984): 5 out of 10: Below average Charles Bronson vehicle marred by some poor acting particularly by female lead/love interest Brooklyn born Theresa Saldana. She seems to have no real purpose in the plot except to scold Charles, which makes no sense considering her role in the film. And while she is a poorly written character who makes little sense plot wise, Theresa’s performance certainly doesn’t help things.
Charlie, looking great at 62, does the Death Wish thing throughout scenic Mexico and has some nice takes on his character. Particularly when he pretends to be a swinger to pick up a bodyguard or hides under the bed during an unexpected lesbian tryst.
The finale is also well done with a nice Freaks vibe to it. Overall, an okay mix of some nice standout scenes and Mexican locations saddled with some really poor acting and unfortunate pacing.