William James Murray (born September 21, 1950) is an American actor, comedian, filmmaker, and writer. He first rose to fame on Saturday Night Live, a series of performances that earned him his first Emmy Award, and later starred in comedy films including Meatballs (1979), Caddyshack (1980), Stripes (1981), Tootsie (1982), Ghostbusters 1984), Scrooged (1988), Ghostbusters II (1989), What About Bob? (1991), and Groundhog Day (1993). He also co-directed Quick Change (1990). (Wikipedia)

Love and Monsters (2020) Review
Fallout for Fun Love and Monsters (2020): 8 out of 10: After the chemical fallout from an attempt to divert a meteorite causes cold-blooded creatures […]