The Twilight Zone (marketed as Twilight Zone for its final two seasons) is an American horror anthology television series created and presented by Rod Serling, which ran for five seasons on CBS from 1959 to 1964. Each episode presents a stand-alone story in which characters find themselves dealing with often disturbing or unusual events, an experience described as entering “the Twilight Zone,” often with a surprise ending and a moral. Although predominantly science-fiction, the show’s paranormal and Kafkaesque events leaned the show towards fantasy and horror. The phrase “twilight zone,” inspired by the series, is used to describe surreal experiences. (Wikipedia)
Armada by Ernest Cline (2015) Review With 372 pages in notes
Space Trucking “Armada” by Ernest Cline (2015) with “372 Pages We Will Never Get Back”: 4 out of 10: “Armada” by Ernest Cline follows Zack […]