Strange what Hollywood Considers Fat or Funny
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001): 4 out of 10: There have been a great number of women’s films that have successfully crossed over to the mainstream. Sleepless in Seattle, Jerry Maguire, and Aliens are three classic examples of “chick flicks” that men can watch with their ladies, enjoy the film, and still get credit for being a sensitive guy that likes what she likes.

Bridget Jones’s Diary tries to come across as a frothy crossover comedy. You know, one of those estrogen flicks that has Hugh Grant now since they shipped Tom Hanks off to make “important films”. Diary however, doesn’t successfully crossover. It’s a real chick flick through and through.

The thirty-something equivalent of Sixteen Candles. In fact, it seems to have basically the same plot and characters as that John Hughes eighties perennial. Instead of our sixteen-year-old ugly duckling, we have a thirty-two-year-old overweight alcoholic with virtually no social skills. And instead of one impossibly cute and rich suitor, we now have two impossibly rich and handsome suitors that fight over our protagonist.

Now I have always felt Renee Zellweger was easy on the eyes and talented to boot. As for the extra weight she put on, (An act that the media with a straight face called “brave.”) Well, let’s just say she wears it well. Her character, however, is such a horrible deceptive person who one wonders why either man would want her for anything more than a quick shag.

As with those other lovable raging alcoholics of the silver screen say Arthur or The McKenzie Brothers, two hours of screen time is one thing but day-to-day living is another. Does one wonder how long either man would stick around with Miss Jones? (A: Till he tired of shagging her.)

One last question. What is with the music? It’s Raining Men? Ain’t No Mountain High Enough? Does the CIA use this soundtrack on prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison? Does not the Geneva Convention mean anything? (I can’t even emphasize how much the soundtrack hurt my score for this film. It really is that bad.)
[…] Bad: Well, it is a nineties Romantic Comedy, so the soundtrack has to be awful. Not Bridget Jones Diary awful mind you “(It’s Raining Men… really?) but pretty awful just the same. There is a Nat King Cole song at the end (but of course there is) […]