Poker Face
Double Mountain Trouble: A MFM Menage Romance (2018) by Katerina Cole: 8 out of 10: In “Double Mountain Trouble,” Brooke finds herself in an unexpected situation after her cousin loses a bet, leading her to become the “payment.” She is sent to live with Denver’s most eligible bachelors, Tyler and Lee, in their remote mountain cabin for two months. Despite the isolation, Brooke is irresistibly drawn to the rugged alpha males who offer her the chance to explore her deepest fantasies.
Tyler and Lee, accustomed to their solitary lives, are captivated by Brooke’s presence. The cabin quickly turns into a place of intense attraction and desire. As they indulge in their shared passions, Brooke realizes she might not want to leave when her time is up. Tyler and Lee, determined to treat her like a queen, hope to convince her that the pleasure and connection they share can last beyond their time in the mountains.

“Double Mountain Trouble” is a steamy MFM ménage romance filled with passion, primal desires, and the promise of a happily ever after. It also features a marketing campaign for a charity and some sort of weird blackmail plot bolted on in the last few pages.

The Good
The Good: “Double Mountain Trouble: A MFM Menage Romance” is an erotic novel. A sex book, if you will. And it nails the sex scenes.
Not for nothing Double Mountain Trouble is full of really well-written sex scenes. This is difficult to do as my other forays into erotic romance genre fiction have shown. The sex scenes in “Double Mountain Trouble” are some of the best, most erotic, and just hot I have read in quite a while.

So does “Double Mountain Trouble” have anything else going for it? Well, I don’t hate the characters…. The plot… well, we are just going to move on to bad and ugly, aren’t we?

The Bad
The Bad: Brooke is kidnapped and sold by her cousin to a couple of bro billionaires hanging out for ninety days in an isolated cabin.
The author is trying to make the bros seem less rapey than they are, but I am thinking actual consent is off the table. Kind of reminds me of the popular trilogy of films on Netflix. (365 Days) where the romance starts with the heroine being kidnapped by gangsters/ love interests.

Believe it or not, that is not the biggest plot problem. Whom among us has not gone home from a game of Texas Hold ‘em with a wife or cousin or sister of some poor sap who went all in with a pair of jacks as his hole cards.
No, in an attempt to make Brooke less a rape victim and hostage/slave author Katerina Cole has Brooke take a gander at the boy’s great big business plan. A children’s charity.

So Brooke is doing the design for the boy’s big launch of a charity for children. Brooke is like, where do they come up with such innovative ideas? A charity for children that is the greatest thing I have ever heard of. What an honor to come up with the graphic design/slogan for such an enterprise.
Okay, first large corporations do this kind of shit all the time. As someone who has worked for his fair share of such organisations, I have accumulated a fair amount of charity related swag in my days. Most of the graphics look like those nineties blue swirl/waves you still see on the side of some older RVs.

That, of course, is the best-case scenario: chooding the three blue waves/ squiggly lines to represent your latest enterprise. (Business suits for underserved communities as an example) is at least not that noticeable. Sometimes this fails and your logo looks like a coffee stain or Lisa from the Simpsons giving head.
But Brooke, apparently beside being a kidnapped hottie, is also the world’s foremost graphic artist. Though reading the reasoning behind Lucent’s Coffee Stain logo “One source inside Lucent says that the logo is actually a Zen Buddhist symbol for “eternal truth”, the Enso, turned 90 degrees and modified. Another source says it represents the mythic ouroboros, a snake holding its tail in its mouth.” the ability to spout bullshit with a straight face seems more of a requirement than any actual artistic capability.

So if I even take this portion with a straight face. I suppose if her work is so good, so transcendental, they have to set her free. I am at a loss how the boy’s idea that a children’s charity will “save” thier business.
Of course it would help if I had any idea what problem they are escaping from in the first place. Apparently disappearing in a cabin for ninety days with a hostage/ unpaid escort will have no negative ramifications to thier business as long as they come back with a superb logo.

In retrospect, this is not the criticism that it may come across as. I can’t tell you the number of CEO’s I have known with shrinking market share, a shrinking market, and a ton of debt that needs to be refinanced next year at a higher rate (If they can refinance it at all) And the CEO is all about a new DEI push, or a heart healthy challenge among employees or finding our core skills using some psychological test with about as much scientific basis as astrology or the sorting hat at Hogwarts.
In other words, this is standard CEOs in trouble bullshit (don’t get me started on the ones designing a new corporate headquarters). So kudos to “Double Mountain Trouble” in that regard.

When I take a week off of work and it takes me a full day to just catch up (go through) my work emails. I can’t imagine the shitstorm waiting for them after ninety days of no communication.
Speaking of background, Brooke hints at the wild adventures/ horrible things she used to do for her cousin. You know, the one that sold her into servitude to cover a poker debt. Anyway, those adventures sound interesting. Could be nice to maybe expand on them a touch book? I do not know what Brooke is like any more than these not homo douche nozzles that captured her do. I mean, I know everyone is rich and beautiful and none of them seem gainfully employed in the traditional sense. But as people, they are still very blank slates at this point. A little authorial shorthand might be on order.

The Ugly
The Ugly: Speaking of not homo douche nozzles… Okay, so the boys introduce a dildo. How large a dildo I did not quite catch. This is supposed to help ease Brooke into anal sex. It turns out Brooke is an anal virgin. So we have a couple of scenes of teasing with the dildo, moistening the dildo, and a lot of scenes of the men in question, just waiting until they can have sex with her and thinking about how great that will be.
Couple of notes. Brooke asks the question (And this is to the book’s total credit) whether she will be required/ asked to watch as these two guys fuck and suck each other. Not a bad query. I mean it is two guys in a snowed in cabin with thier own personal dildo collection and whom seem really into anal sex?

Well, the boys protest no gay… a little too forcefully, if you ask me. I understand that author Katerina Cole has to write to her audience. But come on, the story is clearly at least crossing the double yellow line. I would have had the guy’s fuck. Or at least a group rub and tug.
Which brings me to point two. Sure, they pull out the dildo at this point, but they guys have kept thier pants on. Are they members of Tobias Fünke’s never nudes? The last young lady I showed around my house had my dick out by the time we toured the master bedroom. I mean Brooke does not strike me as a blushing virgin (despite the book’s recent efforts to put her in that box… at least anally) She seems to have a little agency. She should be undoing some pants and seeing what she is really working with here.

Also, for a couple of lads spending ninety days isolated in a cabin, the boys seem to have a lot of ass only toys… I mean a lot. How many dildos and butt plugs should two guys bring on vacation together? I was thinking zero myself, but even if you allow one or two this collection that the chaps have reminded me of those crazy housewives at Target that need a water bottle in every color. In both cases, my question is the same. How thirsty are you?

In Conclusion
In Conclusion: Did I mention the sex is fantastic? I certainly have recommended movies based on one hot sex scene. Heck, it does not even have to be sex related. Saving Private Ryan is a fantastic film, but let’s be honest, we are all there for the first fifteen minutes after the old guy visiting the grave scene. The opening scenes of the Dawn of the Dead remake are so perfect, I recommend the movie just for that.
If you are looking for an erotic read, I highly recommend Double Mountain Trouble. Just try to keep your eyes from rolling out of your head in disbelief when they are not having sex.

Random Notes from reading
Well, it has the word romance in the title, so we shall see. Brooke is kidnapped and sold by her cousin to a couple of bro billionaires hanging out for ninety days in an isolated cabin.
The author is trying to make the bros seem less rapey than they are, but I am thinking actual consent is off the table. Kind of reminds me of the popular trilogy of films on Netflix. (365 Days) where the romance starts with the heroine being kidnapped by gangsters/ love interests.

The chapters are relatively short and all in the voice of one of the three participants. There seems to be some trouble at the billionaire’s company which is why they are hiding out. I am curious how well that plot will be developed.
Brooke, our kidnapee, is said to be exquisite though apparently unattached in any way since her cousin could kidnap her in 2023 Colorado and she doesn;t immediately appear on CNN, I assume. Why two billionaire bros need a kidnapped woman to share is a question, I will leave up to the readers. Hell, I am a poor middle-aged man and I can think of a couple of woman I personally who might be down for such a weekend.

You know now I think about it I really know a couple of women who might be down for that… and I have four days off for Christmas… Sorry back to the book. So far pedestrian writing and set up but not horrible. Could go to interesting places. We shall see.

Well, we have a sex scene… oh; it was just a dream. We have to prove Brooke has an uncontrollable lust for her captors, so the sex upcoming will be a bit more consensual. Lucky for her, they are hot billionaire bachelors.
This book I confess is starting a bit off the left foot as the characters are a bit cardboardy and the book seems to take great pains to make excuses for the scenario of two rich men taking a grown woman as a sex toy as payment for a bet. Instead of leaning into such a scenario, which may be less “correct” but threatens to be a lot more interesting.
We shall see, I guess. The book is not badly written so far and certainly has opportunities to pull this off.

I am sorry, but this is turning into one of the more unintentionally funny books I have read. Okay, so Brooke is doing the design for the boy’s big launch a charity for children. Brooke is like, where do they come up with such innovative ideas? A charity for children that is the greatest thing I have ever heard of. What an honor to come up with the graphic design / slogan for such an enterprise.
Okay, first large corporations do this kind of shit all the time. As someone who has worked for his fair share of such organisations, I have accumulated a fair amount of charity related swag in my days. Most of the graphics look like those nineties blue swirl/ waves you still see on the side of some older RVs.

That, of course, is the best-case scenario: the three blue waves/ squiggly lines you choose to represent your latest enterprise. (Business suits for underserved communities as an example) is not that noticeable. Sometimes this fails and your logo looks like a coffee stain or Lisa from the Simpsons giving head.
But Brooke, apparently beside being a kidnapped hottie, is also the world’s foremost graphic artist. Though reading the reasoning behind Lucent’s Coffe Stain logo “One source inside Lucent says that the logo is actually a Zen Buddhist symbol for “eternal truth”, the Enso, turned 90 degrees and modified. Another source says it represents the mythic ouroboros, a snake holding its tail in its mouth.” the ability to spout bullshit with a straight face seems more of a requirement than any actual artistic capability.

So if I even take this portion with a straight face. I suppose if her work is so good, so transcendental, they have to set her free. I am at a loss how the boy’s idea that a children’s charity will “save” thier business. Of course it would help if I had any idea what problem they are escaping from in the first place. Apparently disappearing in a cabin for ninety days with a hostage/ unpaid escort will have no negative ramifications to thier business as long as they come back with a superb logo.
Upon retrospect, this is not a criticism that it may come across as. I can’t tell you the number of CEO’s I have known with shrinking market share, a shrinking market, and a ton of debt that needs to be refinanced next year at a higher rate (If they can refinance it at all) And the CEO is all about a new DEI push, or a heart healthy challenge among employees or finding our core skills using some psychological test with about as much scientific basis as astrology or the sorting hat at Hogwarts.

In other words, this is standard CEOs in trouble bullshit (don’t get me started on the ones designing a new corporate headquarters) So kudos to the book in that regard.
I take a week off of work and it takes me a full day to just catch up (go through) my work emails. I can’t imagine the shitstorm waiting for them after ninety days of no communication.

Speaking of background, Brooke hints at the wild adventures/ horrible things she used to do for her cousin. You know, the one that sold her into servitude to cover a poker debt. Anyway, those sound interesting. Be nice to maybe expand on them a touch book? I have no idea what Brooke is like any more than these not homo douche nozzles that captured her. I mean, I know everyone is rich and beautiful and none of them seem gainfully employed in the traditional sense. But as people they are still very blank slates at this point. A little authorial shorthand might be on order.

And the boys invite her to dinner and one thing leads to another and we have a sex scene, as the two lads explain to Brooke that they both want to have sex with her at the same time.
Not for nothing. It is a really well written and good sex scene. I know I have made fun of both the lengths the book is going to make our two “kidnappers” into good guys and the ridiculous subplot involving the graphic design of a logo for a children’s charity, but when push comes to shove. (Or pussy comes to lick) Double mountain Trouble delivers the goods and then some.

Still a lot of book left. Will it just be more sex? Will thier be a wrinkle in thier charity launch? I guess I will have to stick around and find out.
Still, Double Mountain trouble has pulled itself out of its somewhat mediocre swoon and solidified into a fun read.

Another couple of chapters and more really well-written sex scenes. Turns out Brook is a virgin… well, an Anal virgin. We have some exploration in that area but no anal sex as of yet. In fact, the boys have not gotten thier dicks out at all. Nothing but licking and sucking Brooke so far, bringing her to endless orgasms.
Now this is a quality seduction technique I have used myself (Minus the second dude, the kidnapping and the billionaire trappings). If there is a quibble, the boys seem somewhat interchangeable. Double Mountain Trouble has made some efforts to make them distinct personalities, but so far with little drama and conflict between the two, thier is little to differentiate them.

Okay, so the boys introduce a dildo. How large a dildo I did not quite catch. This is supposed to help ease Brooke into anal sex. So we have a couple of scenes of teasing with the dildo, moistening the dildo, and a lot of scenes of the men in question, just waiting until they can have sex with her and thinking about how great that will be.
Couple of notes. Brooke asks (And this is to the book’s total credit) whether she will be required/ asked to watch as these two guys fuck and suck each other. Not a bad query. I mean two guys in a snowed in cabin with thier own personal dildo and really into anal sex?

Well, the boys protest no gay… a little too forcefully. If you ask me. I understand that author Katerina Cole has to write to her audience. But come on, the story is clearly at least crossing the double yellow line. I would have had the guy’s fuck. Or at least a group rub and tug.
Which brings me to point two. Sure, they pull out the dildo at this point, but they guys have kept thier pants on. Are they members of Tobias Fünke’s never nudes? The last young lady I showed around my house had my dick out by the time we toured the master bedroom. I mean Brooke does not strike me a blushing virgin (despite the books recent efforts to put her in that box… at least anally) She seems to have little agency. She should be undoing some pants and seeing what she is really working with here.

Well, the lads are getting Brooke to themselves. Each is in possession of the slim dildo like it was a talking stick. (Fucking stick?). Each is threatening her with additional levels of ecstasy and is saying how much they want to fuck her. And asking her to beg for it while and I am going to emphasise this again. Keeping thier pants on.
This is a strange mix without a likely payoff. In a way, they are psychologically torturing and breaking down Brooke with thier endless teasing, isolation, and withholding of cock. Add in the semi traumatic kidnapping/ purchase of the individual and we do not have exactly exemplary behavior.

The infantilizing of Brooke also continues. Apparently, the idea that dildos come in different sizes and widths is a shock to her and the concept of “breaking in her ass” seems alien. I don’t really get the focus of the boys here. I mean, for a couple of no homo lads, they are very obsessed with anal sex.
So as the lesser beings among us might say, we currently still do not have our dicks out. (First Cut a hole in a box. Then Put your junk in that box. Then Make her open the box….) C’mon guys, a fourteen-year-old could figure this one out.

The sex is superb, really well written. I am not sure how much I am enjoying the book, however. I am more impressed than turned on. I am not really into the characters. It isn’t that they are cardboard per se. More well, they don’t seem like real people. Or if they seem like real people that are not very relatable, I really can’t put my finger on it.
Either way, you slice it while Double Mountain Trouble has not pulled me in, so to speak. I am impressed by the craftmanship and the commitment to erotica. We shall see where this goes. I am about 60% the way through the book and if the remaining forty percent were these three fucking, I would not be surprised. A little disappointed, but not surprised. Hopefully, the author has a twist or another shoe to drop before the end.

More sex… I am not really surprised here. In the shower, this time seems like one guy (the one that won her in the poker game) is more interested than the other guy. Could there be seeds of conflict in this story… some sort of conflict… anyone????
Plus (and I highlighted this in my Kindle version) they seem to have a lot of ass only toys… I mean a lot. How many dildos and butt plugs should two guys bring on vacation together? I was thinking zero myself, but even if you allow one or two this collection that the chaps have reminded me of those crazy housewives at Target that need a water bottle in every color. In both cases, my question is the same. How thirsty are you?

All that said the sex is still great and well written, but I am thinking one needs to break it up every once in a while with story or conflict or goals that goi past widening her anus so it can take a massive cock.

Okay, so we had a nice quick chapter where they made food (breakfast) and Brooke again went over how she does not understand how are you guys not jealous of each other. Also, Brooke improvised the opening statement/speech regarding the Children’s charity. Her obvious advice of you got to grab them in the first ten minutes or so is still good advice, but how this speech will be over ten minutes is worrisome.
I am unclear at this point if anything else is going to happen in the book outside of sex and talking about sex. Perhaps a nice presentation to save the children at the end and a triumphant return to Denver. We shall see.

Man the sex in this is really really good. Truly hot erotic writing. I almost want to give it a perfect score because it nails the erotic so well. But good lord is the rest of it tissue thin. The charity… the confrontation with the cousin. The fact she thinks she is pregnant with twins, one from each guy whom she both married???/ I mean, outside of the sex it is a bit of a train wreck.
But these are light criticisms, more of a chuckle than a scorn. I mean, Katerina Cole may not understand how hacking, charities, corporations, blackmail, or even assistants work. But she definitely knows how to spit roast a hot chick.

Still between the weird focus on making her able to have anal sex (Really you both are that well endowed. Sure Jan) and the setup being a little kidnapping and rapey I think a strong four stars or even five stars are warranted.
Still great sex.