Leaving Las Vegas is a 1995 American romantic drama film written and directed by Mike Figgis and based on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by John O’Brien. Nicolas Cage stars as a suicidal alcoholic in Los Angeles who, divorced and recently fired, has decided to move to Las Vegas and drink himself to death. He loads a supply of liquor and beer into his BMW and gets drunk as he drives from Los Angeles to Nevada. Once there, he develops a romantic relationship with a pretty but hardened prostitute played by Elisabeth Shue, which forms the center of the film. O’Brien died by suicide after signing away the film rights to the novel, (Wikipedia)
Jurassic Park (1993) Review
Jurassic Park is the GOAT. Hold on, where is the goat? Jurassic Park (1993): 10 out of 10: Based on the Michael Crichton novel, Jurassic […]