Leprechaun is a series of horror comedy films comprising eight films. Beginning with 1993’s Leprechaun (filmed in 1991) the series centers on a malevolent and murderous leprechaun referred to as Lubdan, who, when his gold is taken from him, resorts to any means necessary to reclaim it. None of the films in the series are presented in chronological order. Warwick Davis plays the title role in every film except for the 2014 film Leprechaun: Origins, and the 2018 film Leprechaun Returns, in which the character is respectively portrayed by Dylan Postl and Linden Porco. (Wikipedia)

Amityville: Dollhouse (1996) Review with RiffTrax.
Welcome to the Dollhouse Amityville: Dollhouse (1996): 8 out of 10: A dollhouse replica of the infamous Amityville horror house makes for an unfortunate gift […]