The Detroit School of Arts (DSA), originally known as the Detroit High School for the Fine and Performing Arts, is a blue ribbon high school located in Midtown Detroit, Michigan. It is a part of the Detroit Public Schools district. Entrance to Detroit School of Arts is based on an audition that takes place at the end of a student’s eighth grade year. Students are required to declare a major of study i.e. Dance, Theatre, Instrumental Music, etc. The Detroit School of Arts is one of four magnet schools in Detroit, where the others are Renaissance High School, Cass Technical High School and Communication & Media Arts High School. (Wikipedia)
David Byrne’s American Utopia (2020) Review
Barefoot on Broadway David Byrne’s American Utopia (2020): 8 out of 10: Singer/songwriter David Byrne and director Spike Lee try an impossible task. Make a […]