Scoobert Doo is the eponymous character and protagonist of the animated television franchise Scooby-Doo created in 1969 by the American animation company Hanna-Barbera. Scooby-Doo is a male Great Dane and lifelong companion of amateur detective Shaggy Rogers, with whom he shares many personality traits. Named after a nonsense vocal line in Frank Sinatra’s hit song “Strangers in the Night”, he features a mix of both canine and human behaviors (reminiscent of other funny animals in the Golden age of American animation), treated by his friends more or less as an equal while speaking in a famous (and much parodied) speech impediment. His catchphrase is “Scooby-Dooby-Doo!” (Wikipedia)
The Devil’s Tomb (2009) Review
Sealed Evil In A Can The Devil’s Tomb (2009): 4 out of 10: Not since “Killer Flood: The Day the Dam Broke” has a movie’s […]