The Trollenberg Terror (released as The Crawling Eye in the United States) is a 1958 independently made British black-and-white science fiction drama film, produced by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman, directed by Quentin Lawrence, that stars Forrest Tucker, Laurence Payne, Jennifer Jayne and Janet Munro. The special effects were handled by Les Bowie. The story was based on a 1956 British ITV “Saturday Serial” television programme written by George F. Kerr, Jack Cross and Giles Cooper, under the collective pseudonym of “Peter Key”. The film was distributed in the UK by Eros Films Ltd. in October 1958 as The Trollenberg Terror, and in the US by Distributors Corporation of America as The Crawling Eye on 7 July 1958 as a double feature with fellow British sci-fi The Strange World of Planet X (a.k.a. Cosmic Monsters in the United States). (Wikipedia)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 Episode #910, The Final Sacrifice (1990) Review
Oh, please, just one more sacrifice! The Final Sacrifice (1990): 2 out of 10: A young boy follows his father’s footsteps in investigating a dangerous cult in […]