Alice in a bad porn reel
Alice in Acidland (1969): 2 out of 10: Filmed with only narration and a jazz soundtrack that sounds like a lot of bad smack was involved Alice in Acidland is your Daddy’s porn.
There is no acid per se in the first two-thirds of Alice. In fact, the girls become lesbian potheads with a few drinks of rum. This is an old black and white bump and grind shoot. It contains a fairly unattractive cast, pretentious narration, missing characters, let alone scenes, mind-numbingly boring sex and a plot out of a C-grade Quincy episode.
My favorite scene, an unnamed girl in a group shot looks directly into the camera with a true deer in headlight stare gets her direction shouted at her does something for thirty seconds then forgets and stares at the camera again.
1969 was a long time ago, and this was a one-off for most of the cast. So sit back and ask yourself one question. “Honey, the second lesbian, isn’t that Mrs. Peterson from our church?”