Phyllis Diller Sex Tape
Goodnight, We Love You (2004): 5 out of 10: This collection of Phyllis Diller sex tapes is disappointing. Often filmed in that awful night vision green, it is hard to make out the action. In addition, Miss Diller rarely takes on more than one man at a time (except for the Catalina Island orgy) and her only lesbian scene (with Elayne Boosler) is all too brief.
Phyllis, was a famous sex kitten who had myriad affairs with such luminaries as Troy Donahue and Anwar Sadat. In fact, Sadat’s last words “Phyllis it was always you” is often misquoted… okay okay I kid I kid Fans of Phyllis Diller will be pleased… Fans of an elderly woman checking into moderate hotel suites will be in heaven. Goodnight, We Love You does beg a few questions. The primarily one is should you allow your stalker to film your biography. To describe director Gregg Barson as fawning is to completely underestimate his obsequious servitude towards Miss Diller. Honestly, it is more than a bit creepy.
Not that celebrities interviewed are any less ingratiating. Not one expresses surprise that Diller is still alive and the kind words flow as if they were giving an encomium rather than personal insights. I understand that is human nature to say something nice, but after the twentieth collection of hosannas, Don Rickles’ sneering come across as a breath of fresh air rather than the senile rambling it actually is.
In fact, Rickles’ own recent documentary “Mr. Warmth: The Don Rickles Project” would make a nice companion piece for this film. Diller’s Guinness Book awarding rapid-fire delivery is well covered here and a reunion of her personal assistants is the highlight of the film. I wish there were more of the personal stories and less generic celebrity praising. There is also not enough actual stand-up in the film itself; as a result, the companion disk of her last live performance is a welcome addition.
A nice enough film for Diller fans, but one should check their blood sugar levels before watching.